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Writer's pictureMichael Parker

There was no blog post from me last week because we spent a few days away: a couple up in Lincoln, then a weekend at our son’s place in Norfolk for a birthday party. His grandson, Harrison was six years old, and Harrison’s dad had moved into the thirties the day before. We had a great time, but it meant that there were things I needed to do that had to be put on the back burner; one of which was my WIP. In fact, it’s so far back I wonder it hasn’t gone up in flames.

The reasons I have neglected my book, apart from the short holiday, are because of trying to meet two deadlines: one for a reprint of my novel, The Devil’s Trinity, and the other to prepare a sermon for my church tonight at the evening service. Work on the ‘Trinity’ was necessary because Ingram Spark have a free offer to reprint, which must be met by May 31st. For me it was too good an opportunity to miss because I wanted to use a new jacket. It meant a lot of time on Photoshop playing around with layers and all the rigmarole that goes into that, seeking advice from my son, Terry, who designed most of my indie jackets, and also to proof read through the Word doc, making sure its as ‘clean’ as I can get it. I’m almost there, but have come up against a problem with page numbering. I can’t explain it here, but believe me, it’s a headache. If I can’t resolve it, I will have to edit again and risk missing the deadline.

I’ve finished my sermon. Its about loving your enemies: quite a hot potato, but from a Christian point of view, absolutely necessary. There are times when I would willingly wring someone’s neck, but have to temper that enthusiasm with Christian love. It can be difficult at times.

I received an unexpected email from author Will Patching to tell me I had won one of his books in a free draw. Naturally I thanked him and expected that to be that: simply wait for the book to turn up. But when he saw my address he contacted me again and said he would be in the area next month, so could deliver the book personally. In fact, it turns out his brother lives just round the corner from me, so he’s practically on my doorstep. I’m looking forward to having a hour or two with Will and picking his brains; I might learn something. In terms of success, Will is probably more successful than me. He is also a South Londoner, like me, so that gives us some common ground to talk about as well.

On the subject of south London, I’m off to my old school on Friday for a reunion. The school is in Battersea and used to be called Sir Walter St. John’s (Sinjuns). Now it’s called St. Thomas’s. It is also the school Prince George goes to. The reunion is more like a tour of the school for us old boys. I won’t know any of those who are attending, although I might have been a school mate of a couple. Who knows? I might even meet another successful author whose brains I can pick. Wish me luck!

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Writer's pictureMichael Parker

I would like to introduce our Chindi “Author of the Week”: Helen Christmas is a West Sussex author of romantic thriller suspense series, Same Face Different Place; a saga set in England across 4 decades. Writing is something Helen is passionate about. She always dreamed of being an author and in 2012, finally took the first step in publishing her debut novel ‘Beginnings,’ the first book in the series. ‘Beginnings’, described by fans as a ‘real page turner’, is set in the dark, criminal underworld of 1970s London. Part thriller and part romance, it is a story of two young people, unwittingly caught up in a conspiracy to end the life of a British MP, forced into hiding and desperate to escape from deadly enemies. There are four books in the series, and you can learn more on Helen’s website at

I’ve made reasonable progress this week on my projects — until now! This morning, when I switched my computer on, I had to wait for the dreaded Windows update to finish before I could get on. I left the blue screen ticking over and went across to our local shop for a paper, and was back within fifteen minutes. The update had reached 7%. I knew then there was going to be trouble. Eventually, at 27%, and my wife ready to go out shopping, I reluctantly left the machine on. It had been updating now for 45 minutes. When we got back from the shops, there were messages on the screen about retaining all kinds of personal information etc., and eventually I was able to get on with the reason I have a computer. No such luck; the update had wiped out all my saved passwords for different sites, rendered the ‘favourites’ icons as blank, and returned my Google mail site to Spanish, which was where we lived for seventeen years. But the biggest disaster was that it wiped out the link to the editorial section of my website where I can add blog posts, etc., etc. (I get the error 404 message all the time). It also wiped out my website email link. The result is that I had to contact Wix support to re-establish my html account (which I pay for incidentally). I’m now waiting for their response. The one saving grace is that I can access my html site on my laptop. I tried copying the web address once I was in the editorial section of my site, e-mailed it to myself and tried opening it on my main PC, but it didn’t work. I’m beginning to think the update had left a fault in my machine now which will have to be sorted by the professionals.

I made progress with my WIP, and have reached 15000 words and still moving forward. But another project I’m on is the re-design of the book jacket for my nuclear thriller, The Devil’s Trinity. I finished that and am now editing the book. Hopefully I’ll have that finished before May 31st, which is when Ingram Spark’s free update offer for old files runs out. (I don’t like that word ‘Update’ anymore).

My BookBub ads are not performing too well. My CTR is around 0.95%, which is rather low. I have tinkered with the ad, but it takes time to reflect on any changes, and to figure out where I need to make alterations. My book sales are slowing down but not stalling. However, I will have to make a decision later as to whether I stick with BB and go back to Facebook. I think BB is cheaper and probably more effective, but only if I get it right. Wish me luck

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Writer's pictureMichael Parker

This week’s featured author for my blog is Chindi’s own, Christopher Joyce. Chris lives in Chichester and is the author of six children’s books titled The Creatures of Chichester. The latest is The one about the Golden Lake, which he has also launched as an audio book. All Chris’s printed books are dyslexic friendly with large, sans-serif fonts. The lead character in The One About The Golden Lake is dyslexic himself and solves the mystery because he sees the world in a different way. The audio books are also a different way to ‘read’ stories. Although the books might appear as a series, they are actually stand-alone and can be read in any order. You can learn more about Chris and his books at

I managed to finish the work on my website that I believe improved it, although I can’t say it has increased my book sales. Is that a given though? Some people believe it’s essential to have an attractive website, but often I look on some websites and see so much information on them, it’s a complete turn-off. You can see mine at if you’re curious.

I have had to get to grips with my BookBub ads. They are not producing the click-through-rate (CTR) I was enjoying a couple of months ago. I’ve been tweaking the ad (it’s for my nuclear thriller, The Devil’s Trinity), and have reduced the price of the book. Today I changed the ad logo. If all else fails, I’ll drop the price to £0.99 (seems to work).

I have imposed a kind of discipline on myself with regard to my WIP. Each day I must write something, whether it is worth it or not. And today, Pat showed me an article in today’s Daily Mail about the playwright, Tom Stoppard who is suffering from writer’s block. He says there is nothing there; just an emptiness. Well, at least I’m in good company because that’s close to how I feel when I sit staring at my WIP wondering what I’m going to write and where I want to go with it.

Another problem I’m dealing with is that I don’t have any copies of my paperback, The Devil’s Trinity. I ordered one from Ingram Spark and disliked it immediately. Mea Culpa of course, so I have set about redesigning the jacket. It means digging deep to make use of Photoshop again. I’ve spent a few hours on it so far, messing around with photos, cutting and pasting, deleting etc. No doubt I’ll get there in the end, but hopefully with something I can be pleased with.

The Chichester Festival organisers launched their Festival programme this week. It’s on line and yours truly is there. I’m in the same section as best-selling author Kate Mosse (I wonder if she’s heard of me?), but there are also other local indie authors, poets and artists there too. I just hope I can pull it off. Wish me luck!

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