This week saw the launch of my pulp fiction thriller, HUNTED. This was something I didn’t expect just two months ago, and the thought of writing a thriller in five weeks was anathema to me, but there you go; never say never. I’m not going to claim it’s brilliant, but I can say it’s a bit of a page turner. I sent an email to my subscribers and have sold 41 copies so far. I actually shifted 23 within a couple of hours. That might have something to do with the low launch price of £0.99. I’ll keep it there for a week or so and then raise the price. So, if you want to grab the low priced copy while you can, this is where you’ll find it: It’s also available on most of the other on-line book sellers here:
My book talk at the Ladies Friendship Club went well. I sold about twelve books, which was very good for me. I expected to maybe shift a couple, but the ladies must have liked me. One even complimented me on the creases in my shirt sleeves. (Yes, she bought a book too!). One of my Chindi author colleagues asked what I talked about. I told her it was about me essentially; I just go on and on, reminiscing about the early days of traditional publishing and how I ‘metamorphed’ into an indie publisher. I have nothing lined up now, and probably wouldn’t commit myself because of being here for Pat. The talk last week was just a couple of minutes up the road and a friend came in to sit with her. But I do have Book Lab 5 to look forward to.
I mentioned the Book Lab last week. I’m due to get the results from the three professionals on the 18th. March, followed by an interview with James Blatch. I watched the Book Lab 4 video again, and then checked out No. 3. It’s scary stuff, and I expect to be dissected without mercy. I also know I’ll be asked what or how I intend to use the results of this free assessment of my book. I’m sure I’ll be expected to say I will take everything on board and invest in a new jacket, a new blurb and spend a bit on promotion. I’d be a mug not to I suppose, but like all advertising etc., there are no guarantees. The video interview won’t be released until some time in April, so I won’t be able to give the link for a while.
On the subject of advertising: I created a BookBub ad for HUNTED, using the excellent advice in David Gaughran’s latest book. I had a budget of $50 spread over two weeks with the instruction to get through the money as quick as possible. I allocated $0.14 a click — just above the suggested price, paying CPM (as advised), and saw the money disappear in two days! And no sales! This is scratch the head time: what do I do now? I’ll probably resort to my own BB ads plan in future and keep the budget down; after all, I have to save some money for the outcome of Book Lab 5.
On the domestic front, Pat and I are still in the middle of waiting for her results. It’s a stressful time, particularly for Pat. I’m keeping fit by doing the jobs that Pat would normally do and, thankfully, I’m able to keep abreast of my on-line stuff. Hopefully I’ll be able to devote some time to the WIP I shoved aside to write my thriller. Maybe, eh? Wish me luck.